Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Transformation Tuesday

I love seeing everyone's transformation Tuesday photos, but I notice one thing they all have in common. Weight loss. Maybe that's the idea. And often, every week I see the same "before" pic with a new selfie from this Tuesday. While I commend everyone's hard work that leads to these amazing transformations, I want to remind people of internal transformation, too. This is JUST AS if not MORE important than what we see on the outside. We live in a society that puts a lot of stress on appearance. While I realize we all want to put our best foot forward and look our best, we need to maintain and work hard on inside , too.

I will share my transformation Tuesday with you. The photo I am sharing - you may not see much of a difference besides my hair. And anyone who knows me, knows this changes a lot. It's long ,it's short, it's dark, it's light- repeat that cycle for 32 years (minus the 5 years my mom made me have the little dutch boy haircut that somehow made its way back in to my life)

The girl on the left was unhappily married, terrified of getting fat, at the gym at LEAST twice a day, running daily (away from my own self), and drinking frequently. Seems the best thing to do sometimes when you are overwhelmed with things you don't want to face is to run away from them, and I literally did that. You can only do that so long before you crash. Life was a party. Although I was always laughing and being a social butterfly, that did not mean I was stable and happy. I was not proud of being the girl on the left, but I don't regret it, because every mistake I made brought me one step closer  to where I am today.

The girl on the right took a gamble, left an unhealthy marriage, met her soul mate, and everything fell in to place. On top of being married to the most amazing woman ever, I have surrounded myself with healthier friends. My friends have accepted me wholeheartedly for who I am, they push me to be my best at anything I want to do, and they do not judge me. I have left a few behind who had shown their true colors while my life was transitioning. I don't want to waste time or energy on those who don't wish to return the same to me. I have learned what true friendships are about- and convenience is not what I want in my life. Between work, being at home with my little family, and training- there is little time to spend with friends- so I choose wisely who I want in my presence, and who is going to keep me on track.

So instead of boring you with 32 years of details, just remember the point I am making here, you can ALWAYS better yourself- and treat your inside as important as the outside.

"Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship." -Buddha

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