Today is HUGE for all same sex relationships, because FINALLY a law cannot stop 2 people who love each other from being legally married.
So - that said. I am sure there are haters- But haters- you LOSE this time.
This isn't about the bible or religion, this is about what is right and what is fair. I am not going to start my church bashing session my any means- But what is funny to me is that "holy rollers" are SO against gays and shame them to death - meanwhile their leaders are molesting same sex CHILDREN. CHILDREN!!!!
Also, some people think same sex shouldn't be married because they should not be entitled to benefits. So someone PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE explain to me why my wife and I who BOTH work full time (and have since we were 16) - Can't receive benefits- but we have outstanding law abiding citizens who pop out a million children to collect a larger tax refund among the rest of the benefits they are getting on the free ride?
In other related venting- Here are some things that amuse me in my life from recent events:
1. At the airport, security noticed Lisa and I had the same last name - "are you guy's sisters?"
Because, if we aren't sisters- we must just coincidentally have the same last name, right??
2. The gyno visit- EVERY YEAR- are you on birth control?
Me: no- No children for me
Doctor: well, is your husband fixed?
Okay- As if I haven't already had "alternative lifestyle" marked in my folder like I am contagious- maybe I should have them slap a HUGE rainbow sticker on it, just for safe keeping?
And for the record, I didn't need birth control when I had a man either- that was my first clue to "jumping to the other side" so to speak.
3. Filling out 401k Form and I fill in Lisa as my beneficiary and the planner calls me to tell me I put someone other than my spouse on the beneficiary spot, and I need to have my spouse sign the consent that HE wasn't my beneficiary. I didn't even have words for that. Do you think I can't read a form?
When two people love each others , and it's pure- Let it be. This world is So full of hate. Same sex and heterosexual marriages are no different. Tired of the "well in a gay relationship this must be different" Besides our private parts being the same- NOTHING is different.
Hoping this change is one big step forward for ignorance, and for that I am grateful.