Well, it's been busy so I figured I would throw out some updates!
New ambassador status: Fitfluential, Honey Stinger, BurnThis
Very excited to partner with them all!
I ran in quite a few races in March.
March 1 Was Stu's 30k relay race. The past 3 years I have run the entire course as a prep for the Boston Marathon. This year that was not necessary so I ran half as a relay with my friend Jesse. My goal was to run the 9.6 miles of hills in under 8:00 pace- I did this with a 7:57 pace. Was a great day all around, unfortunately I caught a virus and was sick for a few days following- NEVER fun, but it gave my body a rest it probably needed after the run streak in February.
March 15th I ran in the O'Putnam Courthouse 5k which is put on my Hartford Marathon Events. It was a very cold day, but the rain held off- I placed 1st in my age group with a time of 23:17

March 19th-23rd I was in Florida. I stayed with my favorite aunt in the world. After the winter we have had in New England, it was GREAT to get some heat. Met up with my friend Caitlyn and we ran the Strawberry Classic together in Tampa. I ran the 15k distance, finished with a huge PR and second place in my division. The trophy is kinda creepy but awesome nonetheless!

March 28th I ended up doing a somewhat local Easter 5k on a whim. It was snowing AND raining and luckily not too cold- was very raw and very wet. I was able to manage being second female, and breaking 23 min for the first time in a few months. Placed first in my age. I am learning that a 2-3 mile warm up prior to a 5k is the ticket.

Well, that's the news. Next up is Spartan Beast on April 18th. I am as prepared as It's going to get. I am looking forward to it. Stay tuned, there will be a big spread on that experience.