I have a few theories about running every day, and anyone who knows me knows I typically do NOT advocate running daily. Now, I am not going to get scientific and tell you what you should or should NOT do- but for me personally, running every day sucks.
I started the month with excitement , like YEAH! lets do this. I was loving it. There were blizzards every weekend- it sort of created an adventure for me. I thought it was great to put on my "screw shoes" and run through 6 inches of unplowed streets.
As the month kept going I felt less inspired and the times I had to be on the dreadmill , I would see people lifting weights and I was jealous.
Don't get me wrong , I LOVE to run, but what makes my running strong is BALANCE. Days off from running are KEY for my body to recover properly- and absence makes the heart grow fonder, right? You take a day or 2 off, and you CRAVE the next run.
I also believe in runs with purpose, versus "junk miles" When you run every day, its inevitable to not have junk miles. I think these are the most important runs: Hill repeats, Speed work (tempo, fartleks), Long run, and recovery run. For me, lifting has eliminated junk mile days, and built up my strength. Prior to lifting being a strong component in my regiment, I was constantly injured- mostly IT band issue. Since I've been cross training, no injury. (knock on wood)
Anyways, it was fun, I will have 130 miles for the shortest month and snowiest month , but I look forward to more of a balanced schedule next month. Bring on March!
Here are some photos from all the fun. Thank god for my 4 long runs with Tri-State Running- 2 being 13.1's - One being a "virtual half" since Hyannis marathon weekend got canceled.
Superbowl Sunday Long Run (12.39 miles)
The first 13.1 of February
Twelve mile long run
Our very own "virtual Hyannis" 13.1