Monday, June 16, 2014

The Hat Trick, Boston Style

Last weekend I went to Newton, MA for the Runners World Heartbreak Hill Half Marathon Festival. I opted for the hat trick which is a 5k, 10k and then a 13.1 the next day. As it was getting closer, I saw the forecast for hot weather, and clear skies. All of my friends were starting to make their first trip of the season to the ocean, and here I am thinking, ugh why did I sign up for this!

Boy was I surprised...

I have been to a NUMBER of races. I have seen organization, disorganization, and anything in the middle. This race, I have to be honest- Start to Finish- perfection.
It ended up being the most memorable race weekend for me to date. Below I outline why.

1) ZERO expectations. I am here to have FUN. when I start putting on the pressure, the fun is squashed.

2. It was HOT. You can not be racing hard when it is as hot as it was. It isn't smart. Sadly a few folks gave it a try which landed them on the ground with EMT's and oxygen masks- and probably not the fun amazing memories that I have from the weekend.

3. The course was part of the marathon route which is always happy for me. The energy from the runners was amazing. It was organized , fun, and I was there with my running club.

I literally can not wait to do this again next year. ALL three races went by so fast. My results are posted below, and I must admit, I am pretty pleased. No PR's but pretty decent times!

Average Pace 7:48 per mile
Age Graded Percentage 61 percent
Overall Place 259 out of 1565
Sex Place 97 out of 1012 Females
Division Place 22 out of 192 Females in the F3034 Age Group         
Average Pace 8:21 per mile
Age Graded Percentage 58 percent
Overall Place 321 out of 1838
Sex Place 130 out of 1270 Females
Division Place 29 out of 254 Females in the F3034 Age Group  
Average Pace 8:52 per mile
Age Graded Percentage 56 percent                
Overall Place 698 out of 3074
Sex Place 295 out of 1979 Females
Division Place 53 out of 341 Females in the F3034 Age Group            
See you next year!